2024-2025 TMABC Senior Scholarship Information
The Tomball Memorial Athletic Booster Club will award scholarships to graduating seniors who have participated in Tomball Memorial High School Athletic Programs and whose families have been actively involved in the TMABC.
Student Athlete/Student Trainer/Student Manager Criteria:
Must have participated in at least one varsity level athletic program at TMHS
Must be in good standing with the TMHS High Athletic Department
Must be in good standing with Tomball Memorial High School
Must have a minimum of an 80 cumulative GPA (100 point scale)
Must complete the Scholarship Application in full
Must submit 1 coach recommendation and 1 teacher/administrator recommendation with the application. An email will be sent to the coach/teacher with a link to the recommendation form.
Parent/Guardian Criteria:
Must be a paid member of TMABC for two years
Must be a paid current member in good standing of TMABC as of March 1, 2025
Must have a total of 20 documented TMABC family volunteer hours completed by the end of March (March 31st, 2025) including but not limited to:
Serving as a team liaison
Serving as a board or committee member
Assisting in the sale of programs and promotional and other items at home games
Assisting with TMABC events such as concessions, fundraisers, membership enrollment, banquets, etc.
Athletes who accept a “full ride” scholarship will not be eligible.
Financial need is not considered.
After graduation from TMHS, the applicant must plan to enroll in the summer or fall semester of an institution of higher learning (college, university, trade, vocational, or technical school).
Award Notification: Recipients will be notified via email.
Recipients will be recognized at a TMHS Scholarship Celebration.
Exceptions may be considered on a case-by-case-basis for students who transferred to TMHS during their senior year. For any questions please email: tmabcscholarship@gmail.com.
Submission Checklist:
_____ All student and parent criteria were met
_____ Must be a paid member of TMABC for two years
_____ Must be a paid current member in good standing of TMABC as of March 1, 2024
_____ Must have a total of 20 documented TMABC family volunteer hours per student applying completed by the end of March (March 31st, 2025)
_____ Student information
_____ Sports history/awards
_____ Extracurricular activities
_____ Essay- What have you learned by being on a team? Describe how these traits will
influence your decision making in college or your future endeavors.
* Typed and double spaced
* 11pt. Arial font with 1” margin
* 1 full page when printed (approximately 400 words)
_____TMHS varsity coach recommendation: Only one coach recommendation is allowed.
Students will submit the school email address for a head coach, position coach, or assistant coach from any varsity sport in which the applicant participated. The committee will send
them a recommendation form, please follow up that they received the email.
_____TMHS teacher or administrator recommendation: The student will email the coach and teacher with a link to the recommendation form and follow up that they got it.
Note: Allow 2 weeks for the coach/teacher/admin to fill out the recommendation form
_____ Submit the completed application online by 11:59 PM, Friday, March 21, 2025.
Please click the link below to go to the scholarship form:
Remember, if you have a Junior (Class of 2026) who is planning to apply for the TMABC Scholarship, TMABC families have a volunteer commitment as well as
membership commitment as part of the eligibility process.
20 TMABC family volunteer hours and
must be a member for two years.
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